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Blwyddyn 2 / Year 2


Croeso i flwyddyn 2 - 2022 

Athrawes - Mrs Eiri Evans-Jones

Cynorthwywraig  - Miss Julie Lewis (Llun-Iau)

Mrs Rhian Lynch (Gwener)

Thema - Wrth Ein Traed 


Diolch i Stephanie am ddod mewn i ddarllen stori am Gobies ini. 

Thank you to Stephanie for coming in to teach us about Gobies.

Cinio Nadolig

Mynd am dro o amgylch Waunarlwydd i edrych ar arwyddion ffordd a threfn goleuadau traffic

A walk around Waunarlwydd looking at street signs and the order of the traffic lights

Dathlu dydd y Cofio

Jambori Rhithiol yr Urdd  / Virtual Urdd Jamboree

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Ein Gwasanaeth Dosbarth ar y Cynhaeaf / Our Harvest Class Assembly

Dathlu Diwrnod Siwmae, Su'mae / Celebrating Siwmae, Su'mae day

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Datrys problemau rhif / Number problem solving

Diolch i Gareth o 'Stick2' am ddod i'n haddysgu am yr offerynnau taro a cherddoriaeth o Gymru

Thank you to Gareth from Stick2 for coming to teach us about the percussion family and music from Wales