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Croeso i dudalen y CRA /

Welcome to the PTA page

Cyfarfod nesaf: Yn yr ysgol am 2yp 20/9/24

Next meeting: In school at 2pm 20/9/24


Ffair Haf 2024 / Summer Fayre 2024

Cafwyd Ffair Haf arbennig unwaith eto eleni, gyda llu o stondianu amrywiol ar gael.  Diolch i bawb a gefnogodd a diolch yn arbennig i chi am brynu tocynnau raffl.  Mae'r CRA yn griw bach a gweithgar iawn sy'n gweithio'n ddiflino dros ein hysgol felly diolch yn fawr iawn i chi eto!

We had yet another fantastic Summer Fayre at school, with lots of different stalls.  Thank you to all that supported and a special thanks to all who bought raffle tickets.  The PTA are a small, industrious group that work tirelessly for our school, so thank you all again! 





Bonedau Pasg 2024 / Easter Bonnets 2024

Hyfryd oedd gweld cymaint o fonedau Pasg yn y gystadleuaeth gan y CRhA.  Roedd yr ymdrech a'r dychymyg yn syfrdanol ac yn bleser gweld.  Da iawn chi!  Dewis anodd iawn oedd hi i aelodau'r CRhA a ddaeth i feirniadau'r 2 gorau o bob dosbarth.  Diolch i chi am wneud.  

It was wonderful to see so many Easter Bonnets for the PTA competition.  The imagination and effort made to create masterpieces was a pleasure to see.  Well done!  It was a very difficult decision for the PTA members who came in to judge the top 2 from each class.  Thank you very much for your work.






Disgos Santes Dwynwen Discos

Cafwyd disgos arbennig gyda DJ Dan i ddathlu diwrnod Santes Dwynwen.  Roedd pawb wrth eu bodd ac fe godwyd £550 ar gyfer yr ysgol.  Diolch yn fawr i'r CRA am eu gwaith caled yn trefnu, paratoi a chynnal y stodinau ar y noson.

We had two excellent discos with DJ Dan to celebrate Santes Dwynwen day.  Everybody had a fabulous time with £550 being raised on the night for the school to spend.  Thank you to the PTA for their hard work organising, preparing and manning the stalls on the evening.




Nadolig 2023 / Christmas 2023

Aelodau'r CRA yn brysur yn lapio!  / The PTA busy wrapping!  


Ffair Haf 2023 / Summer Fayre 2023







Noson Lapio Anrhegion a Chrefft yng nghlwb rygbi Waunarlwydd/ Crafts and gift wrapping in Waunarlwydd Rugby Club


Ffair Haf Mehefin 15fed Summer Fair 15th June

Download Document

Ffair Nadolig St Barnabas Christmas Fair

Noson lapio anrhegion / Christmas wrapping evening

Pyst pel-droed newydd/Our new football posts. Diolch CRA

Stondin Ffair Nadolig Clwb Rygbi Waunarlwydd Rugby Club Christmas Fair